Friday, March 2, 2012

Birthday Festivities Beginning!

Uncle Brian and Kim stopped over on Thursday night to wish Kali an early Happy Birthday because they aren't able to make it to her party on Saturday.  Kali was very excited to open her first birthday present!  Brian and Kim always do a great job at knowing exactly what Kali wants.  They got her a tee-ball set and balls and a monster barbie that she really wanted!!!!  Thank you so much Brian and Kim. 

Kali and Uncle Brian played catch and practiced hitting.  Kali was doing very well and was even hitting some of Brian's pitches.  She is all geared up for T-ball to start!!!

Kali had a blast dancing and showing off for them!  She loves all the attention!  She had them all to herself since Hoyt went to bed early!

A cute little story to share.....Our home phone rang, we expected it to be a telemarketer so  Brian told Kali to answer it and tell the telemarketer that her mommy wasn't home and to then hang up the Kali did just that and she came back in to sit down.  When we asked her who it was, she said, "Grandma!" We all started laughing and were all shocked by her answer then we asked, "Grandma Who?"  Kali didn't I got up to see who had called and it wasn't either was actually a telemarketer.  I'm really not doing the story any justice.....because it really was super funny.  I guess it is one of those stories that you just had to be there.

We had a great time celebrating with Uncle Brian and Kim.  It was really nice for them to see her before her birthday!  Thanks guys!!  We had a wonderful time!!!!

More festivities and pictures to share on Kali's 5th Birthday coming soon!!!!

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