Monday, January 28, 2013

January Catch Up!!!

Where has January gone!?!?! Wow typically we are not busy in January, but this year it seems like we have a lot going on!!!  I guess being busy will be the new normal for us!!  We celebrated cousin Taylor's birthday, went to Lexi's basketball game, Hunter's wrestling meet, play date with Jackson, Kali went to a bowling party with Angie, Amelia, and Charlie because Hoyt was sick.  Kali was sick earlier in the week with the flu.  Hopefully, we are done with the sickness for a while! Here are a few pics....

Happy 14th Birthday Taylor!!!

Kali and Hoyt are doing swimming lessons again for 6 sessions.  Kali is in level 3 with they are learning a lot of new stuff.  They are learning the different swimming strokes, treading water in the deep end, and diving in the deep end!!  It is a big jump from level 2 to level 3.  Both, Jackson and Kali are doing awesome for what I get to see.  I only see about the first 20 minutes and then me and Hoyt are doing our puddle jumper's class!!!  When Hoyt turns 3 he can be in level 1!  We will probably wait until Fall to start this!!

Hoyt has had a BIG January.  He started a new daycare at Emily's the same daycare that Kali goes to before/after school.  His first day was Wednesday January 2nd.  It was nice because Kali didn't have school that day so Kali was a good BIG sister and helped her brother through it.  He has made the adjustment pretty well.  The first week he did great, but then I think he started to miss Cathy (old babysitter) and then when I would drop him off he would cry for a little bit.  Emily sent me this picture to show me that he was fine a couple minutes after I had left!!! 

Hoyt is also starting to tell us when he has to go potty.  We still have a ways to go but he is making great progress.  Monday January 21st his diaper was dry the whole day at daycare and he went two times at night.  He has only gone #2 once in the potty.  I know I shouldn't share this story, but it was very comical and I need to write it down so that I won't forget.  The beginning of January, Hoyt was trying to go potty in the morning before taking him to daycare.  I was busy helping Kali get ready and he came into Kali's room and he said, "Mommy, I went poopy!!"  I was very surprised at this, as at that time he had never gone poopy in the potty.  So, I run to the potty chair and I don't see anything...He is like, no mom come here.....well he takes me to his bedroom to his camouflage tent and says, "In here!" Hahahaha....Like I said, we still have a ways to go!!! 

Some other new things about Hoyt, his new favorite phrase is "How Rude!"  And if he doesn't like what you are doing or you make him mad, he calls you "Stop that monkey!"  I really have no idea where he got that...but he definitely says it with attitude.  He also has been saying..."Oh yeah Oh yeah...WORD!"  It is very cute!!!  My little rapper!!!

I always bring a snack for the kids to have in the car on our drive home.  Hoyt loves Twizzlers so I took that as a snack one night.  We were driving home, and we saw 4 deer in a field and without hesitation Hoyt goes, "Bam Bam bam bam."  So, his Twizzlers is now used as his gun!!  He does it every time we see a deer...if he has a Twizzlers in his hand or if he doesn't!!  LOL our little hunter!!!!  I don't think Daddy has to worry about Hoyt being a hunter!!!

Hoyt also went to the Dentist for his first time on Thursday January 3rd and did awesome!!!  My little man!!!

Kali has been my little Hula Hoop Queen.  It only took her a few days to get the hula hoop mastered.  She can now do it for about 5 mins at a time!  She is really good at it.  She can talk on the phone and sing and dance with her arms while doing the hula hoop.  I defintely think she could win contests.  She took the Hula hoop to Sharing Day at school and she said her teacher and classmates were very impressed!!! It was cute, I asked her if she was going to do it a long time while she shared and she was like Yah, but she said she was a little nervous to do it infront of the whole class....but in the end she did very well.  We also have been doing a lot of gymnastics in the living room....She has had the cartwheel mastered since she was 3, but now she has added a roundoff and is in the process of learning how to do a front handspring, backbend and head/hand stands!!!  Of course this means that momma has to demonstrate...LOL!!!  Good thing I hide the camera!!!

That is it for now!  I think I'm pretty caught up and I will try to stay on track!!!

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