Friday, August 31, 2012

Endings and new Beginnings

Kali's last day at Cathy's was Tuesday August 21st.  I know Kali will miss Cathy.  She has been an amazing daycare provider to Kali and Hoyt.  However, since Hoyt will still be going to Cathy's until the end of the year, Kali will still get to see her on a regular basis. Kali will start going to Emily's a new daycare provider in Center Point for Before/After School starting on the first day of school.   

We love you Cathy!

Kali's first day of Kindergarten was Wednesday August 22.  CPU actually started on Tuesday 21st, however for the Kindergarten class they do half the students on Tuesday and the 2nd half on Wednesday so students get more individual attention with the teacher! 

We got up early for the first day of school because Kali wanted her hair done. She was beaming with excitement when she woke up.  I was so excited that she was excited!!  She didn't seem nervous at all. 

Our goal is to leave the house at 7 so we can drop off Hoyt at Cathy's and then head to CP to be at Emily's house at 7:30 so Kali has time to eat breakfast.  For the first day, I wanted Kali to understand her routine so I dropped Kali off at Emily's and then the 3 Kindergartners were loaded in Emily's car and I followed.  We took some pictures.  I walked Kali into school and Kali met her teacher Mrs. Silver and we went into the classroom to drop off her bag.  Then the kids all meet in the center pod and watch a movie until school starts at 8:30.  Kali saw her 3 best friends from preschool and she just plopped right down in the middle of them.  I had to take more pictures!!  Too bad I forgot to take a picture w/ Kali and her teacher...I'll have to get that another time. Then I went over and gave Kali a BIG hug and said, "Good Luck!"  There were no tears from either of us.  She was so excited to be with her friends she wasn't sad at all.  Seeing her excitement, I was so excited myself.  Emily and I walked out together and Emily started to cry.  I hadn't even thought about crying because I was just so happy Kali was excited....but then I did get a little teary eyed just because I can't believe my baby is 5.  Where does the time go!?!?!?  But, I would have to say, preschool was way more tough because everything was so new.  But this year Kali was a pro! :)

Kali's new outfit that Gma and Gpa Holub got her.  Kali picked it out all by herself!  IT is definitely a "Kali" outfit.  Doesn't she look so grown up!?!?!

Kali wanted Cathy to see her new outfit when I dropped Hoyt off.  So, we all went downstairs.  Hoyt was a little surprised when Kali gave him a kiss and said good bye and followed me up the stairs. Cathy had said that Hoyt tried to follow us up the stairs and cried for like 5 secs, but then he was fine.  I think the kids get a long better when they don't see each other all day. 

These are Kali's new daycare buddies that also go to Kindergarten w/ Kali but neither one of them are in Kali's class.  Hunter is the boy in the green and he his Emily's son and Jack in the black shirt.  Kali told me a funny story after the first day of school and being at the new daycare.  She said that Jack was taunting Hunter saying, "Hunters going to marry Kali." and "Hunter has a crush on Kali" and Hunter was like no I don't so he took a frying pan from the sand box and hit Jack right in the head.  Needless to say, Emily put Hunter in time out after that.  Emily said the boys just need to get used to having a pretty girl around! :)  Never a dull moment when Kali is around!!! 

Another story Kali told me was a little boy got sent to the principals office the first day of school because he was talking back to the teacher, saying bad words, and not having good manners.  She told met that the little boy said to Kali, "Your kitten is fat and your mom is fat."  Kali said, "Mom I stood of  for you and I told the boy that you weren't fat!"  Ahhhhhhh...that is my girl!!!! :)

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